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AC Off

AC power loss.


AC power restored.

AP Error

Anti-Passback Error.
Someone attempted to go in a door using their code/Card before using it at an exit door.

Auto Aux On

An auxiliary relay was automatically triggered On from a Time Schedule.

Auto Aux Off

An auxiliary relay was automatically triggered Off from a Time Schedule.

Auto Output On

An output was automatically triggered On from a Time Schedule.

Auto Output Off

An output was automatically triggered Off from a Time Schedule.

Comm Int 1

The communications to "small processor" #1 has failed. If this happens, it is most likely due to a power surge or possible lightning strike.

Comm Int 2

The communications to "small processor" #2 has failed. If this happens, it is most likely due to a power surge or possible lightning strike.

Daylight Savings

Daylight Savings Time was activated.

Door Ajar

A door is being held open.

Door Closed

The door which was ajar closed.

Door Perm

Door Permission Error. A person attempted to enter a door in which they did not have permission to enter.

Duped Slave

Two or more slaves are configured with the same slave number.

Expired User

A temporary user code has expired.

Forced Entry

A door has been forced open without a valid code or card entry.


An invalid card was used at a door.

Inv Code

An invalid code was used at a door.

Mem Clear

All memory was cleared.

Module Reset

One of the small processors have reset.

Net Noise

Electrical noise has been detected somewhere on the network.

On Line

Program mode was exited.

PIN Error

After a valid card was used, the code which followed (Card & Keypad) was incorrect.

Program Mode

Someone entered program mode.

Relay Override

The relay was manually switched.


The RTE button or Passive Infrared was used to exit a door.

Sched Error

Schedule Error. A user tried to enter a door during an invalid Time Schedule.

Slave Down

One of the Slaves has lost communications with the Master Unit.

System Reset

Reset button is pressed on circuit board.


The System has timed-out of program mode and returned on-line. The System automatically times out if programming has ceased for five minutes.

Unknown Event

If this event appears consistently, call Corby Tech department.


This will precede any card number or Data Chip which has been programmed using the universal mode.

Valid User

A valid code/card was used to enter a door.

Zone On

A zone has been triggered On.

Zone Off

A zone has been triggered Off.