AC Off | AC power loss. |
AC On | AC power restored. |
AP Error | Anti-Passback Error. Someone attempted to go in a door using their code/Card before using it at an exit door. |
Auto Aux On | An auxiliary relay was automatically triggered On from a Time Schedule. |
Auto Aux Off | An auxiliary relay was automatically triggered Off from a Time Schedule. |
Auto Output On | An output was automatically triggered On from a Time Schedule. |
Auto Output Off | An output was automatically triggered Off from a Time Schedule. |
Comm Int 1 | The communications to "small processor" #1 has failed. If this happens, it is most likely due to a power surge or possible lightning strike. |
Comm Int 2 | The communications to "small processor" #2 has failed. If this happens, it is most likely due to a power surge or possible lightning strike. |
Daylight Savings | Daylight Savings Time was activated. |
Door Ajar | A door is being held open. |
Door Closed | The door which was ajar closed. |
Door Perm | Door Permission Error. A person attempted to enter a door in which they did not have permission to enter. |
Duped Slave | Two or more slaves are configured with the same slave number. |
Expired User | A temporary user code has expired. |
Forced Entry | A door has been forced open without a valid code or card entry. |
Inv | An invalid card was used at a door. |
Inv Code | An invalid code was used at a door. |
Mem Clear | All memory was cleared. |
Module Reset | One of the small processors have reset. |
Net Noise | Electrical noise has been detected somewhere on the network. |
On Line | Program mode was exited. |
PIN Error | After a valid card was used, the code which followed (Card & Keypad) was incorrect. |
Program Mode | Someone entered program mode. |
Relay Override | The relay was manually switched. |
Request-To-Exit | The RTE button or Passive Infrared was used to exit a door. |
Sched Error | Schedule Error. A user tried to enter a door during an invalid Time Schedule. |
Slave Down | One of the Slaves has lost communications with the Master Unit. |
System Reset | Reset button is pressed on circuit board. |
Timeout | The System has timed-out of program mode and returned on-line. The System automatically times out if programming has ceased for five minutes. |
Unknown Event | If this event appears consistently, call Corby Tech department. |
Unv | This will precede any card number or Data Chip which has been programmed using the universal mode. |
Valid User | A valid code/card was used to enter a door. |
Zone On | A zone has been triggered On. |
Zone Off | A zone has been triggered Off. |